Gulp. Here I go.

I  have been urged by family and friends to share more of my crazy adventures in food, home-educating, urban farming, sewing, up-cycling and such.... so here I go. #1 - My life is crazy.  -  Raising four girls (who learn at home) in a 1,100 sq. foot house with 21 backyard (livestock) animals and 2 barn cats, a kitchen garden to tend....  leaves not much time to spare.

#2 - My life is messy. - Despite the guiding (haunting?) words of my mother "Never be in the situation where you have to say 'excuse the mess'...  I am most often a mess.  Darn.  I got my love of food and beauty from you, Mom - but unfortunately not organization.

#3 - My life is beautiful - and so is yours.  -  I will attempt to share what thrills me and causes me to call up my sisters, Mom or other unsuspecting friends and chat incessantly about what I just 'created'...  I am fully aware that each life is uniquely lovely and creative - and since I enjoy reading about other people's blogs who create... there may be a few of you who will want to read mine.

In the words of Glennon Melton from momastery - my life is a brutiful mess.  I hope that you will enjoy following it! With jittery fingers and a nervous stomach - I am going to hit 'post' and get started!  I have too many post ideas stored up... so let's go!

To get started, I'll post a few pictures of some of my favorite things!:

amazing photography

capturing my life beautifully

the reality.  Life is MESSY!
